For as long as I can remember, Chad always had a fun-loving spirit and was eager to find that next fun thing to do. When we were kids he was always laughing and smiling, while I was probably a bit too serious about things. He had one of those smiles and laughs that would just automatically lift your spirits. It felt good to be around him.
The flip-side of his happy-go-lucky spirit was that he would occasionally get in trouble, choosing fun over the rules. I remember quite a few of those times throughout our lives, but there were a couple funny ones that always stuck out to me.
I remember that he had an obsession with beautiful naked women (he was only about 3 years old – maybe our Mom can correct me on his age at the time). He had a bad habit of stealing my dad’s Playboys and hiding them under his bed. It seemed to baffle my parents as to why he would be so interested in them at his age.
Another time (he might have been 2 or 3 years old), my parents had a guest at our house, whose every other word was the king of all dirty words – “fuck”.
Chad studied her with fascination, and after she left, he started saying “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckidy, fuck fuck.” Mom was screaming at him to stop, but it seemed to make him do it more. He started singing the “fuckidy fuck fuck” song while laughing, dancing, and running away from Mom around the house. I just remember trying to imagine what the hell a fuck was, and why it would make my mom so angry. All I could imagine was some sort of really dangerous, sharp object. Clearly, Chad thought it was the most amazing word he’d ever heard.
Chad would always do stuff that would crack me up, and his smile and laughter were infectious. His fun-loving nature may have landed him in a little trouble here and there, but remembering that about him is always a good reminder to not take things so seriously.
I’ve told those stories over the years. He did have a bit of an ornery streak. That Playboy subscription was cancelled and all copies were destroyed or trashed. Your grandpa Herb was obsessed with those magazines so maybe Chad was just wanting to know why. I also remember that certain person and her foul language. I had a talk with her too. While Chad was at times challenging, he could immediately turn me to mush. “You’re so beautiful, mommy”. You we’re always more serious than Chad, but you were also funny and you brightened my days. I love you both!